Monday, January 30, 2012

Marilyn Stowe: The Top 10 Stereotypical Marriage Wreckers

The toned beefcake or shapely siren at the local gym is paid to get you hot and sweaty. They are therapists and personal trainers rolled into one who flirt to get you to use their services, listen to your problems and then see you at your most intimate, exhausted and scantily-clad. A level of trust and attraction is natural. As the endorphin rush kicks in, this relationship can easily cross the line.

The toned beefcake or shapely siren at the local gym is paid to get you hot and sweaty. They are therapists and personal trainers rolled into one who flirt to get you to use their services, listen to your problems and then see you at your most intimate, exhausted and scantily-clad. A level of trust and attraction is natural. As the endorphin rush kicks in, this relationship can easily cross the line.


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