Friday, February 24, 2012

Travelling With Friends And More Buildings In Prague | QUIPIDITY

The friend that I want to Prague with I have travelled with before. Several times, we have been to Peru, to Vietnam, to Cambodia, to Bruges and I have visited her in London several times. We used to walk home from work together but in 2007 she packed up and moved to London. I miss our walks home. When we met we were both in similar places in our lives. Both had left relationships that were no longer working. We both wanted to travel and were both trying to figure out what our next moves were. Turns out first on the list was Peru, still my favourite of all the trips I?ve done.

Travelling with a friend is a great experience and we are a team when we travel (TEAM SQUIRREL! long story). We know things about each other that we would not have learned any other way and we travel well together. No matter how easy going friends are and how similar their expectations of a trip there are there are always moments and times where one or the other gets snappy, moody or a disagreement happens.

Both of us get grumpy if we haven?t eaten. We have learned to air concerns right away and ?not let them build. We have learnt to communicate so that we understand why somebody might be acting a certain way. Like all relationships friendships take work but the reward is more than worth it. When a problem occurs, we deal with it and then drop it. Move on and focus on the task at hand and the adventures ahead. The problems are not what I will remember, although we?ve had our fair share. I will remember all the laughter, unexpected fun when things don?t go to plan, the shared experiences of seeing so many amazing places. Yes we have laughed, cried and yelled.

As travel buddies go she is the best. Easy going and adventurous. Knows what she likes to see and do but also takes my likes and interests into consideration. Also puts up with me when I?m grumpy, moody or turning into frustrated five year old. The majority of time it is an easy friendship full of laughter and joy.

Team Squirrel! I hope will have many more adventures.

Here are more pictures of buildings in Prague:

This entry was posted in Prague and tagged Arguments, Buildings, Friends, Moody, Prague, travel by admin. Bookmark the permalink.


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